Our story, recurring donations and recent updates
2013 is off to a good start. Here are a few updates from the past few weeks:
- We received the match for all of your generous December donations, and more donations have continued to come in throughout January pushing us above $12,000 total. Thanks everyone!
- We’ve added our story to the Prion Alliance website. It proved to be a surprisingly difficult story to actually sit down and write, but now we’ve finally got something down on the page so people know why we started all of this.
- We are now able to accept recurring monthly donations via PayPal. It’s slightly trickier to set up with Amazon, so we haven’t gotten around to that yet, but if you want to donate each month through Amazon let us know and we’ll make it a priority!
- This month we have been hard at work understanding the science of modeling human diseases using adult skin cells reprogrammed to neurons and of editing genomes using the ‘molecular scissors’ known as TALENs and ZFNs. This is amazing stuff and we are excited to put it into action for studying prion diseases!